
The terms of every commercial lease vary and can range from having the most simple to the more complex clauses. Some parties may find themselves bound by the terms of Letters of Intent to lease even in circumstances where a formal lease has not been signed by the Landlord or the Tenant.

It’s important to obtain advice from an experienced lawyer when dealing with a lease. We read the lease documents and provide you with a comprehensive advice as to its terms or any unusual terms and advise you accordingly. 

Some of the issues raised include:

  • Is this a lease covered by the Retail Leases Act 1994? Who pays for the cost of preparing the lease?

  • How is rent reviewed during the term of the lease?

  • How are rental incentives best documented?


从最基本到极复杂,商用房产租赁合同各有不同。在某些情况下,在与房主或租户签立正式租赁合同前,另一方会受约于合作意向书(letter of Intent)。

  • 1994年商铺租赁法规(the Retail Lease Act 1994)是否含盖该租约;合同金由哪方负责

  • 租期内如何调整租金

  • 如何在合同中商讨租金折扣



  • Are rachet clauses able to be used in Retail Shop leases thereby preventing the rent from decreasing when it is reviewed.

  • How are Options to extend the term exercised?

  • When are Landlords liable to pay compensation to a Tenant?

If you require further information or advice regarding commercial leases please contact our office so that an appointment can be made for you to discuss your particular needs.


  • 棘轮条款是否可以用于商铺租赁,以防止租金调整时下跌

  • 如何处理续约中可选择性租约

  • 房主对租户的赔偿责任

