

A will is one of the most important documents you could make as it takes effect upon your death.





  • It determines and controls the distribution of all your hard earned assets that you have accumulated during your lifetime.

  • It gives you the opportunity to ensure that your family are properly taken care of after you die and to benefit those whom you care about.

  • If you do not have a will when you die you will die intestate which means that your assets are distributed in the order as set out by Statute e.g. Your spouse may not inherit all of your estate as you intended and he or she may only receive a certain percentage of your estate depending upon how many children you have.


  • 遗嘱决定和控制财产分配

  • 立遗嘱人去世之后,其家人和朋友会得妥善安置。

  • 如果没有签立遗嘱,遗产会按照相关法律进行分配,例如你的伴侣不能按照您的意愿获得全部遗产,而需要与子女共同分配。




  • If you don’t have a will, the cost of obtaining Letters of Administration in the Supreme Court in order for someone to be appointed to take care of your affairs can be time consuming and expensive.

  • Expert advice on the preparation of a will, will ensure that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes.

If you require further information or advice regarding wills please contact our office so that an appointment can be made for you to discuss your particular needs.


  • 如果没有签立遗嘱,高等法院(the Supreme Court)会下发遗产管理委托状(the Letter of Administration)指派执行人进行财产分配和事务处理,但这一过程会耗时且费用不菲。

  • 我行律师能够给予如何签立遗嘱的专业意见,确保按照您的意愿分配遗产。

