

Probate is the process of proving and registering in the Supreme Court the last Will of a deceased person. When a person dies, somebody has to deal with their estate.


遗嘱认证指向最高法院(the Supreme Court)提交和登记死者的最终遗嘱,某人需代死者处理遗产事宜。



It is usually the executor of their Will who administers the estate and handles the disposal of their assets and debts. In order to get authority to do this, they usually need to obtain a legal document called a 'Grant of Probate'.

To protect the interests of those who hold the deceased's assets (for example banks) the executor may be asked to prove they are authorised to administer the Will before the assets can be released. The Grant of Probate is the proof required.

It may not be necessary to apply for Probate in all cases particularly if the assets are relatively small.


遗嘱通常会指定遗嘱执行人处理遗产分配和债务偿还。遗嘱执行人在行使权力之前需要获得一份执行遗嘱认证书(Grant of Probate)。



In cases where a person has not left any will they die intestate and it may be necessary to apply to the Supreme Court for an administrator to be appointed and this is called applying for Letters of Administration. The manner of distribution of the assets of the deceased are set out in statute.

If you require further information or advice regarding the grant of Probate or Letters of Administration please contact our office so that an appointment can be made for you to discuss your particular needs.

